Friday, July 26, 2024
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Celestial Bodies Statistics(3) Custom Statistics(4)
Food Statistics(12) Hypotheticals Statistics(2) Hypotheticals are possibly situations, statements or questions about something imaginary rather than something real. Hypotheticals could deal with the concept of "what if?"
Positive Statistics(10) Possibilities Statistics(3) A thing that may happen or be the case. The state or fact of being likely or possible; likelihood. A thing that may be chosen or done out of several possible alternatives.
Probabilities Statistics(1) The extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something happening or being the case. A probable or the most probable event. Weird Statistics(8)

  Statistic ID: 420
The Cells In Your Body
(0 votes)

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  Statistic ID: 417
New English Words
(5 votes)

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  Statistic ID: 324
Happy Fathers Day
(0 votes)

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  Statistic ID: 318
Blink Blink Blink
(0 votes)

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  Statistic ID: 200
Our Moon
(1 vote)

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