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  Statistic ID: 566
Arts And Culture Add To The GDP
(8 votes)

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Trend: neutral
Source: Staff Research
Submitted: Jan 23, 2017 - 4:36 pm
(Edited May 24, 2017 - 11:46 am)
Facts/Notes: Everyone recognizes the contribution of construction, transportation and agriculture to the U.S. economy, yet the value added by the Arts and Culture to the nations GDP is rarely recognized even though it exceeds all of those. The Arts and Culture Sector's contribution to the Gross Domestic Product are 4.32 percent, but NEA funding makes up only .004 percent of one percent of the Federal budget.
Charity: The Creative Coalition
About: The Creative Coalition is the premier nonprofit, nonpartisan social and political advocacy organization of the entertainment industry. Founded in 1989 by prominent figures in the creative community, including actors Alec Baldwin, Ron Silver, Christopher Reeve, Susan Sarandon and Blair Brown, TCC educates and mobilizes leaders in the arts community on issues of public importance, specifically in the areas of First Amendment rights, arts advocacy and public education.
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